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It's time to download some WATT and start enjoying the racing rhythms !!

Two single tests to be carried out by Sunday 21 March valid for the GO TRI CUP which had a resounding success already in 2020 !!

  • Time trial of San Michele 6.3k altitude difference 236+

  • Duathlon Super Sprint 2.5K - 10K - 1K


Zona Sacra Climb (da Sagrado) _ Segmento

Test n.1

Time trial of San Michele

Compare yourself on the Strava segment

"Zona Sacra Climb" starting from Sagrado.

If you don't have Strava, no problem, register the activity by following the Map until you reach the top of San Michele via San Martino

Departure from the Sagrado railway underpass on the right before the post office

Arrival in the monumental area


Test n.2

Duathlon Super Sprint

After a proper warm-up, a little technique and a good activation, do a duathlon over 2.5K RUN - 10K Bike - 1K RUN in MANET!

You have 1h 15 'time to carry out the challenge but try not to waste much time in the ZC

Record everything with your device and share it with us on Strava, Connect or other platforms even just by sending us the screenshot

download (1).png

We do not risk more than we should !!

You have 1h and 15 'to complete the challenge so move by bike to a safe area with no traffic !!


For each test a maximum of 100 points will be given with the following table:

position 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 ° 5 ° 6 ° 7 ° 8 ° 9 ° 10 ° 11 ° 12 ° 13 ° 14 ° 15 ° and subsequent
points 100 90 80 60 50 40 30 20 15 12 9 8 7 6 5

It is not mandatory to do both

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